Friday, 13 April 2007

Linda's Proudest Moment

Professor Ray Jones, Associate Dean for Research in the University of Plymouth’s Faculty of Health and Social Work, recently described the rapidly ageing elderly population of the South West. More old people equals more illness, and more need for healthcare.

Linda Gilroy MP referred to these issues in 2004 when explaining the need for a medical school in Plymouth, 'We knew that we were under-doctored when we argued for the peninsula medical school, because, per thousand young people, there were not enough to come forward as doctors'.

Linda says her proudest moment as an MP was 'seeing the first student attend the new Peninsula Medical School for Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall.'

The reality of New Labour health policy has been a disaster, with stringent cost cutting measures employed in local hospitals. However, there has been no expense spared on financing the private ISTCs (Independant Sector Treatment Centres) that you see springing up outside the major Trusts.

Now the government has unveiled it's master plan 'Modernising Medical Careers' with 32,000 doctors applying for 18,000 training posts. Will Linda take the lead in calling for the Peninsula Medical School to stop admitting medical students, training them at £250,000 a pop only to fail to obtain a government funded training post?

Maybe then we could save several million quid and stop wasting the time of our talented young people.

Perhaps Linda will explain to prospective Peninsula Medical School students why this quiet Paediatrician of 33 years experience is marching in protest at her precious New Labour's policy on medical recruitment and training?

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